Benefits of Lifting Weights For Men: 4 Reasons to Lift Weights

Benefits of Lifting Weights For Men
benefits of lifting weights for men

In this article, I’m going to be looking at the benefits of lifting weights and showing some solid reasons why every man should lift weights.

As I have mentioned many times before, lifting weights is a great way for men to increase their testosterone levels.

But contrary to popular belief, lifting weights is not just about big biceps and high T-Levels.

When most people start to lift weights one of the main reasons for doing so is to build muscle and burn fat.

However, what most people don’t realize is that pushing yourself in the gym will affect you both physically and mentally.

So with that being said, let’s now take a look at some of the benefits of lifting weights:

1. Lifting Weights Will Increase Your Testosterone

You probably already know that lifting weights increases testosterone and that men who lift regularly have more testosterone than men who don’t.

But what you might not realize is that a study has shown that after only 4 weeks of lifting weights there is a massive 40% increase in resting testosterone and a 24% reduction in cortisol.

One thing to remember about testosterone is that it’s the hormone that makes us men, it’s the hormone that totally defines our masculinity.

Another good way to look at testosterone is that it’s the fuel behind motivation, drive, and success in life.

Think about some of the symptoms of low testosterone for a minute:

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • High-Stress Levels
  • Low sex drive
  • Irritability

When a man experiences these symptoms of low testosterone his chances of being a successful man are close to zero.

But if you lift weights, boost testosterone, and experience the complete opposite of these symptoms you will be able to achieve many of the goals you have in life.

Bottom Line: Lifting weights regularly will boost testosterone and give men the drive and motivation needed for success.

2. Lifting Weights Will Increase Your Self Confidence

Another benefit of lifting weights is that it leads to a strong sense of self-belief and confidence. The reason for this is because as the saying goes a strong body leads to a strong mind.

This feeling of becoming stronger and knowing that you’re improving each week both physically and mentally brings a massive boost in confidence.

As you set goals in the gym and work patiently to achieve them you will begin to notice that these achievements in the gym are also having an impact on other areas of your life.

You will start to develop the powerful belief that if you can set goals and consistently work towards them, there is absolutely nothing that you cannot achieve.

You start where you are and slowly prove to yourself that you can push through the resistance and become better every week.

As you notice that you are now lifting more pounds than when you started, you get real proof that with consistent effort you can improve anything in your life.

Many times in life we compare ourselves to others and sometimes we don’t fully know how we are progressing in certain areas of our life.

But when it comes to lifting weights it’s just you against the resistance of the weight which allows you to focus on yourself and build your own mental strength.

Another reason lifting weights increases confidence is because as mentioned above it significantly increases testosterone which is the hormone that gives men more drive, determination, and self-confidence.

Combine all the benefits mentioned above with the fact that lifting weights will help you look better physically and you can see why confidence is the natural outcome of lifting weights.

Bottom Line: Lifting weights increases both physical and mental strength which leads to a strong sense of self confidence.

QUICK TIP: By simply changing your nutrition & workout plan in 1 simple way you can flood your body with powerful hormones. Find out more by clicking here.

3. Lifting Weights Slows Down the Aging Process

Really this has to be the number one reason to lift weights in the first place. This is because when you work out consistently with weights you are going to build muscle and increase your bone density.

Increasing your muscle mass and bone density will counteract two of the major causes of aging in our bodies which are sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass) and weak bones.

Not only that, when you build muscle and burn fat, you lower your risk of every major lifestyle illness. You will lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

This means you will live a healthier and longer life, but more importantly, a life filled with energy and well-being.

Another thing you will notice after lifting weights for some time is that you sleep more deeply, and this, in turn, will help to strengthen your immune system and boost your testosterone.

When you lift weights you are basically flooding your body with feel-good chemicals. Anyone who has pushed themselves hard in the gym will know all about the buzz that can only come from a good session of lifting.

Maybe this is why Arnold once said the pump gained from lifting weights is better than sex

Bottom Line: Lifting weights will lower your risk of many diseases, improve your sleep, increase your energy, and flood your body with feel good chemicals.

4. Lifting Weights Can Help You Attract Women

Although I said that the number one reason to lift weights is for better health, most men, if they are really honest, will tell you that one of the reasons why they lift weights is to become more attractive to women.

But does lifting weights actually attract women?

Lifting weights won’t get every woman you want into bed – but it will give you some important characteristics that most women love.

When you follow a regular training routine and eat a testosterone-friendly diet, you can expect to build muscle and burn fat. After some time of being consistent with this, you will start to notice that you look significantly different.

Your shoulders, back, and chest will have more muscle mass. Your stomach will have less fat, and your biceps and legs will look noticeably firmer. 

These positive changes in your body will affect how people see you but more importantly, it will influence a woman’s first impression of you.

In fact, a study done in 2002 proved that men with a high (shoulder to hip ratio) have more sexual partners and more sexual intercourse than men who do not have this ratio.

And as mentioned above lifting weights improves this ratio by broadening the shoulder and burning fat around the waist.

As you begin to burn fat and build muscle by lifting weights you will also notice that your body posture has improved.

The reason for this is because as you strengthen the muscles in your back and shoulders you will begin to naturally hold your shoulder blades back in daily life and stand straight.

This improved posture is not only good for your lower back and spine but it will also make you look more self-assured and confident which is exactly what women desire in a man.

When it comes to actually having the confidence to approach a woman and engage her in conversation most men over analyze the situation and get stuck in too much thinking. 

However, the skill of being in your body and avoiding analysis paralysis is a skill that can most definitely be developed, and this is where lifting weights can help.

When you’re in the gym lifting weights you are predominately feeling instead of thinking.

For example in the gym you are feeling the resistance of the weight, checking your posture is correct, recovering from a set that has raised your heart rate etc.

All of these activities help you to be in the body and feel your way through activities rather than thinking your way through them. This feeling of being in the body and not overthinking becomes more natural when you lift regularly.

As this new habit becomes strong you will find that you will start to act more spontaneously and fearlessly around women.  

Combine all the benefits mentioned above with the fact that lifting weights increases testosterone (the hormone of confidence) and you can see why lifting weights can help men attract women.

Here is a summary of the Benefits

Just in case this article was too long, here is a summary of all the benefits of lifting weights for men:

  • An increase in resting testosterone and a reduction in cortisol after just 4 weeks.
  • An increase in confidence and self-belief.
  • Increased mental and physical strength.
  • Lower risk of every major lifestyle illness.
  • Improved sleep quality.
  • Stronger immune system.
  • A boost of feel-good chemicals in the body.
  • Increased muscle mass and lower body fat.
  • Improvement in body posture.
  • Increased body awareness and less fear.
  • More attractive to women.


So now it’s down to you. As you can see there are many benefits of lifting weights for men. So get yourself down the gym and start experiencing all of these benefits straight away.

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