Butea Superba and Testosterone Levels

butea superba and testosterone

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re battling with low testosterone levels.

Although low testosterone isn’t in any way a life-threatening condition, it often proves to be a psychologically devastating experience for men.

I sympathize and want you to know that it’s not the end of the world and that there are ways to fix it.

There are many natural herbs and remedies that are used to boost libido and hormones in men, and Butea Superba is an interesting herb to consider.

What is Butea Superba?

Also known as the Red Kwao Krua, it’s a vining shrub indigenous to Thailand, Vietnam, and India.

It’s most abundant in the vast deciduous forests of Thailand and has been used for centuries by locals to increase overall health and vitality.

And although Butea Superba has numerous health benefits, that’s not the reason why it’s the most sought-after herb in the whole of Thailand.

It’s become popular thanks to the belief that it can boost libido and erection strength in men.

It’s also a world-renowned herbal aphrodisiac that’s very popular among the male population of South-East Asia.

Butea Superba, Testosterone, And DHT

Butea Superba surprisingly looks very much like the Pueraria Mirifica, an ancient Thai vitality enhancer for older women.

But these plants are only similar in appearance, as they have completely diametrical effects – the former increases testosterone, while the latter boosts estrogen production.

So, how can a plant boost the production of something so fragile and complex as sex hormones? Allow me to explain.

The Butea Superba plant contains many different ingredients, with the most dominant ones being Bitesuperin A and B, and Medicarpi.

When combined, these substances have a direct androgenic effect, which means they affect the receptors that are activated by testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.

There have been some studies done on the subject of Butea Superba and its relation to testosterone, but none of them had a placebo control group to confirm the validity of their findings.

There are, of course, things we’re certain about when it comes to Butea Superba, one of them being that it has been shown in one particular rodent study to have a dose-dependent lowering effect on testosterone levels.

As a matter of fact, substances in the plant actually can lower the amount of testosterone in serum.

However, what studies have shown is that when the testosterone levels dropped in the serum, the levels of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) increased significantly.

This seems to show that the lowering of testosterone could be caused by the conversion of testosterone to DHT.

Dihydrotestosterone is another androgenic hormone, and it’s a more aggressive and dominant sex hormone than plain testosterone.

Dihydrotestosterone has very prominent masculizing effects, such as increased spleen weight as well as increased ALP and AST levels.

Butea Superba and Testosterone Levels

Although there have been studies done on the matter in the past, the subject of Butea Superba’s link to testosterone has just recently gained popularity.

Unfortunately, almost none of the studies done have been able to find a conclusive answer as they didn’t include placebo groups for reference. 

There are, however, a couple of studies that managed to get a pretty straightforward result.

Study # 1

A 2008 study done on rats at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand tested the effects of Butea Superba on blood testosterone levels.

Although the study was done to prove the toxicity of substances found in Butea Superba, its findings correspond to the way the plant is traditionally used as an aphrodisiac.

A continuous exposure to substances extracted from the Butea Superba plant leads to increased androgenic characteristics, which include increased libido in male rats.

There was a similar study done on female rats, and the results don’t differ much.

Study # 2

There was a human study also done at Chulalongkorn University in 2003. The aim was to study the effect of the Butea Superba on Thai males with erectile dysfunction.

During a period of three months, male subjects were given a dose of 1000 mg/day of Butea Superba.

The results of the randomized trial also corresponded to the local belief that the plant increases sex drive in men.

More than 80% of participants of the study experienced a noticeable increase in their sex drive and the ability to maintain an erection.

Many of the patients also showed up to 11% increased testosterone levels without any side-effects.

Study # 3

Another interesting study involved was of a 35-year-old man who had been taking Butea Superba for a couple of weeks to cure his hair loss but was complaining of an excessively high sex drive.

After examining the man they found that his DHT levels were 1512 pg/mL (this is 152% higher than the maximum value in the normal range)

After the man stopped taking Butea Superba for one week his sex drive returned to normal and his DHT levels normalized.

How to buy and consume Butea Superba

Most supplements on the market right now are made from the root of the plant and come in the form of capsules or tablets.

Most of the Butea Superba supplements that are on the market right now can be bought online.

The tablets are meant to be taken daily, and most of them are way below the daily intake limit, so it’s relatively safe to take them.

Most manufacturers recommend one tablet each day and taking an extra one before sex every now and then for a quick libido boost.

It’s very important not to take excessive amounts of Butea Superba. As this article shows taking large amounts of 16 g or more of this herb can have negative side effects.

Bottom Line

It’s up to you whether or not you want to engage in this age-old Thai tradition.

Although chances are it won’t cure severe erectile dysfunction, it just might provide you with the androgenic boost you need.

Apart from some of the studies showing it can have androgenic effects it won’t fail to increase your overall energy and vitality.

Butea Superba supplements promote blood circulation and slightly increase the production of dopamine, and they aren’t toxic to your body even after months of continual use.

So if you want a safe, natural alternative to increase your sex drive, this exotic plant might be worth checking out.

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