Do I Have Low Testosterone Levels?

Signs and Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Men

This post is going to look at some of the symptoms of low T-Levels and show you what to do if your testosterone levels are less than optimum.

When someone asks the question “Do I have Low Testosterone Levels?” I usually ask a few important questions such as….Do I Have Low Testosterone Levels

Do you feel fatigued all the time?

Is caffeine not cutting it anymore and you feel enervated despite all your efforts?

Do you have the motivation to go after what you want in life?

Do you have a healthy and strong sex drive?

Depending on how you answer these questions it might be time to start thinking out of the box for once.

Maybe you’re suffering from low testosterone levels.

Low testosterone levels are a big issue for both men and women. There are many signs and symptoms of low testosterone that can help you identify this condition.

So watch out for these signs and symptoms and learn some effective ways to boost your testosterone levels naturally.

Do I have Low Testosterone Levels?

You should know a bit about testosterone and its normal functions before checking if have low testosterone levels.

Testosterone is a steroid hormone mainly secreted through testicles in males and ovaries in a female. Some amount of testosterone is also secreted by the adrenal glands.

Testosterone is the main sex hormone and a potent anabolic steroid which has many benefits for us men. Testosterone plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues like testes and prostate.

It also monitors the secondary characteristics in men like increased bone mass, increased muscle and the growth of hair on the body.

Testosterone levels are also quite important for general health and well-being. It fills you up with energy and improves your stamina and motivation.

Although testosterone is normally associated with rage and anti-social behavior there is no scientific proof supporting such claims. 

In fact, low testosterone levels are associated with low mood, depression and decreased sociability. Testosterone levels are also linked with a reduction in the risk of several diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone Levels in Men

Testosterone levels in men typically decrease as they age. Men experience many different symptoms if testosterone levels decrease more than they should.

Although there are many views on what normal testosterone levels are, most experts agree that the normal range of testosterone levels in males is around 300-1000 ng/dL.

However, I can say from experience that you don’t want to be anywhere near 300 and the closer you can get to over 500 and heading to 800 the better.

A person can experience many different types of symptoms if testosterone falls suddenly. To see some of the negative symptoms of low testosterone see this study –  symptoms of low testosterone

Low Testosterone and Erection Strength

Testosterone increases a man’s sexual drive and also helps in achieving strong erections. Testosterone doesn’t work alone; it stimulates the brain to produce nitric oxide- a molecule which triggers healthy erections.

You may experience difficulty in getting or maintaining an erection with low testosterone levels. One of the best ways to increase erection strength is to consume natural PDE5 Inhibitors

Low Testosterone and Sex Drive

Testosterone controls sex drive in both men and women. Both experience a decrease in libido with the passage of time. But people with low testosterone have a sudden drop in the desire to have sex.

Low Testosterone and Semen Volume

Testosterone levels play an important role in the production of semen in men. A person who has high testosterone levels produces more semen.

Men who have low testosterone levels will experience a decrease in their sperm during ejaculation. This may cause infertility.

Low Testosterone and Fatigue

Testosterone is extremely important in maintaining stamina and motivation. Men who have low testosterone can experience extreme fatigue.

It’s highly likely that you’re suffering from low testosterone if you are tired all the time or feel demotivated to hit the gym.

Low Testosterone and Muscle Loss

Research says that men with low testosterone levels might experience a decrease in strength and muscle mass. The reason is that testosterone plays quite an important role in the building and strengthening of muscles and protein synthesis.

Low Testosterone Increases Body Fat

Individuals with low testosterone levels have increased body fat. Some men suffer from a condition known as ‘gynecomastia’ in which a person develops enlarged breasts.

Low Testosterone and Mood Swings

Although it is generally believed that testosterone leads to anti-social behavior the truth is exactly opposite to that. Testosterone levels actually promote the sense of good will. 

People with low testosterone can become socially withdrawn and occasionally suffer psychiatric issues like depression.

Low Testosterone and Weak Bones

The thinning of bone mass is a condition that women mostly experience. But men can also suffer from low bone density.

Low testosterone is linked to bone diseases like osteoporosis. If you’re experiencing back aches and lots of pain, it might be due to lowering testosterone levels.

Tips to Increase Testosterone Levels

Low testosterone levels can be helped and a person can have optimum testosterone levels with proper nutrition and diet. Following are some tips that help you improve testosterone levels naturally.

  • Eat Vegetables – Research shows that eating vegetables and especially green vegetables, like broccoli, brussel sprouts, and cabbage can significantly increase testosterone levels.
  • Eat More Meat –The protein from meat is quite helpful when a person is lifting weights. Studies have shown that meat increases testosterone levels and increases the levels of muscle mass. A study was recently done in which the participants were divided into two groups. They were given the same nutrition and exercise but there was one small difference. One of the groups wasn’t given any meat whereas the other group was given meat to eat. The results of the study showed that the meat group experienced the most increase in testosterone levels and associated fat loss.
  • Decrease Stress –Decrease stress in your life if you want to increase your testosterone levels. It’s simple. Stress produces cortisol in the body which decreases the testosterone levels. The herb Ashwagandha can help reduce stress.
  • Get Sleep – Research has shown that testosterone levels reduce drastically if you’re not getting enough sleep. So you should get proper sleep at night time.
  • Active Sex Life –Having sex increases the levels of testosterones. So make out with your partner and keep the feeling of youthfulness!
  • Enjoy Eggs – Eggs have to be one the best foods you can eat if you want to increase testosterone because they contain cholesterol that will provide the body with the building blocks to make testosterone.

Home Testing Testosterone Salivary Kits

Many home salivary kits are present in the market that can check your testosterone levels.

These kits need your saliva samples and are one of the best and most cost-effective ways to discover if you have low testosterone levels.

Testosterone circulates throughout your body and a small proportion is excreted in the saliva too. So the salivary testosterone level is a measure of your total body testosterone.

They are very easy to use and samples can be taken throughout the day to assess levels.

These kits use this principle to measure the level of testosterone in your body. All you need to do is collect your saliva in the tubes given in the kit and send it to the laboratory for evaluation.


By checking the symptoms of low testosterone levels and seeing if any of them relate to you can get a good idea of your T-Levels.

If you want an accurate reading then it might be a  good idea to take a saliva test to see where you stand on the scale.

The good news is that if you do find out you have low testosterone levels there are many natural things that can help you increase your testosterone levels so you do not have to suffer any of the symptoms mentioned in this post.


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