Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts For Men

Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts    
health benefits of tiger nuts

You may not have heard a lot about all the benefits of tiger nuts.

The reason for this is because very little was known about the potential health benefits of tiger nuts until recently.

But modern research is now shedding light on the many health benefits of tiger nuts.

The benefits of tiger nuts can help to boost your testosterone since the vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats all support testosterone production.

Want to know more about these nuts? Then read on!

Tiger Nuts and Libido

The juice obtained from tiger nuts has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine to help strengthen the liver, help stomach pains and also to improve sexual vitality.

It has also recently been found that the oil obtained from these nuts has properties similar to olive oil.

Tiger nuts are very nutritious and contain minerals like chromium, potassium, chromium, copper, zinc and iron. They have a high content of Vitamin C and E.

They also contain all the amino acids and some B-complex Vitamins.

Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts

Tiger nuts help in preventing heart attacks and thrombosis. They also help in blood circulation.

These nuts have a high content of soluble glucose and prevent cancer. Some investigators have discovered that they reduce the risks of colon cancer too.

The top health benefits of tiger nuts have been mentioned below:

1) High Fiber Content

Tiger nuts have a high content of dietary fiber in them. A 2009 study conducted at the University of Miguel Hernandez in Spain which was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences found that 100g of tiger nuts have about 57.91g of fiber.

This fiber content is higher than other fiber sources like cabbage, pears, apple, carrots, chia seeds and oat bars.

The Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research found that fiber provides relief from constipation and keeps a person satisfied for longer periods and helps in weight maintenance.

A 1994 study done on the health benefits of tiger nuts found out that tiger nuts help in preventing obesity, colon cancer, gastrointestinal disorders and diabetes. But you should be careful because these studies don’t apply to all types of fiber.

2) Good Source of Magnesium

Magnesium is very beneficial for the body. It keeps the whole body in a working state. The Office of Dietary Supplements states that magnesium is important for normal bodily functions and is involved in over 300 different biochemical reactions in the body.

Magnesium has numerous health benefits. It promotes normal muscle and nerve functioningIt keeps our heartbeat steady and boosts our immunity which helps fight different diseases, it keeps blood pressure levels healthy, strengthens the bones and helps in the processing of protein in the body.

Studies have shown that tiger nuts fulfill between 13% (female) and 17% (male) of the daily needs based on gender.

To read an article on how magnesium can benefit men click here.

3) High Iron Content

Vegetarians and vegan diets can be lacking in iron if there is not enough variety of foods being eaten. Tiger nuts have a very high iron content in them so vegetarians should include this powerful nut in their diet.

The truth is that tiger nuts contain even more iron than cow’s milk and more iron than red meat or liver.

So it’s useful to consume tiger nuts every now and then to make sure you are getting adequate amounts of iron.

4) Protection Against Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases

Tiger nuts have a high content of Vitamin E in them. Vitamin E has fat-soluble compounds with antioxidant properties. Antioxidants protect the body against free radicals (molecules with unshared electrons).

These free radicals can damage our bodies so it is always good to eat foods rich in antioxidants.

Vitamin E protects the body by protecting against free radicals. Tiger nuts contain Vitamin E and oleic acid; both of these compounds have shown to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

A recent research shows that Vitamin E in the diet lowers heart disease risk.

5) Controlling Diabetes

Tiger nuts are a good alternative to cow’s milk. The high insoluble fiber present in them is also beneficial for diabetics by helping them stay healthy and regulate their blood sugar levels.

The Joslin Diabetes Center states that insoluble fiber is quite helpful for diabetics to regulate their blood sugar levels. The blood sugar levels aren’t raised by fiber because it can’t be digested.

This fact is supported by a study done back in 2000 in which the researchers found out that the patients suffering from diabetes were able to control their blood sugar levels more with a high fiber diet as compared to an ordinary diet.

6) Weight Loss

Tiger nuts have high a fiber content in them which makes them suitable for people looking to lose weight. The fiber takes the body some time to digest which makes a person satisfied for a longer period.

So if you have tiger nuts in your menu then you don’t have to worry about hunger just hours after eating.

Fiber keeps the digestive system healthy and frees the body of toxins and wastes. It is crucial for weight loss because it can stop bloating and other unwanted side effects.

The insoluble fibers also help in regulating the blood sugar levels and thus the body can metabolize fats and calories.

So more calories are burned and fewer calories are consumed which is perfect for weight loss.

7) Regulating Blood Pressure

Tiger nuts have a high content of amino acids in them. There are a number of amino acids in tiger nuts but arginine is very high.

The Mayo Foundation for Medical Research and Education states that arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide which widens our blood vessels and allows normal blood flow.

Arginine is particularly helpful in conditions which are worsened by restricted blood vessels like heart failure, chest pain, blocked arteries, low erectile quality, artery disease, muscle cramps, and headaches.

8) Good Non-Meat Source of Protein

Protein is quite important for a person’s daily diet. The United States Department of Agriculture states that protein plays an important role in building bones, muscles, blood, skin, and cartilage.

They are also building blocks for hormones, vitamins, and enzymes in the body. Protein also gives the body the energy it needs to go throughout the day.

A 2007 study from the University of Ibadan in Ibadan found that tiger nuts are an excellent way of obtaining protein from plant matter (9.7%) and are the same as that of whole wheat flour (9.8%).

Preparation of Tiger Nuts

You can buy tiger nuts from any superstore. The preparation method is quite easy which is mentioned below:

  1. Soak an ounce of tiger nuts in a bowl of water for 12 hours. Do this process at night. The nuts will expand after soaking.
  2. Drain liquid from the tiger nuts in the morning and eat them with breakfast.
  3. You can add more tiger nuts in the bowl and leave them for the next day.


I hope this article has shown you some of the health benefits of Tiger Nuts and why they are a great food to include in your diet to help boost testosterone levels.

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