Natural Viagra Foods For Men: 7 Of The Best Foods For Men

Natural Viagra Foods For Men
natural viagra foods for men

I believe you would be immensely pleased to learn that this title is NOT click-bait.

You really can have foods that produce VIAGRA-like results, without the nasty side-effects of taking the pill!

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime”

Crudely analogizing, if this “man” is your temporary sexual performance, then the “fish” is VIAGRA; and learning how to fish pertains to long-term sexual health.

It is rather sad that we have been turned into quick-fix junkies by the marketing industry, and don’t value improving our overall health through natural means, which would inevitably increase our sex drive as well.

This is where the natural VIAGRA-like food options come in.

Before we move on to the foods, here are a few honorable non-food mentions to boost your sex drive:

Natural Ways To Improve Sexual Health, And In Turn, Performance

  • Your overall health: By now it should be a no-brainer, keep your overall health in check for better sexual vitality. When we increase our vitality by living a healthy lifestyle there will be a natural rise in sexual energy.
  • Stress: The stress hormone can be a major erection killer. The reason for this is because when we are stressed the circulation in the body will be less than optimal.
  • Change the way you think: A great tool if mastered. A simple shift in expectations you have for yourself and your partner, or the way you are perceiving a partner’s beauty or value, can have a faster-than-VIAGRA shift in your sexual stimulation. 

These are just a few of the many lifestyle and mental changes one can make to improve sexual health; always be on the look-out for choices that end up making you feel healthier. Now for the foods….

YES. There ARE foods which are going to increase blood flow and have effects similar to VIAGRA. Natural stuff that is cheaper and healthier than drugs.

QUICK TIP: If you are serious about improving erection strength and sexual performance, then I highly recommend you check out this program which can help you achieve this.

7 Natural Viagra Foods For Men

There is a multitude of options when it comes foods that have an influence on sex drive. Most of these foods have such an effect owing to flavonoids or other nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, that stimulate blood flow.

The following is a list of some of the most kick-ass foods in this domain:

1. Watermelon

The trick here is blood flow. According to Dr. Bhimu Patil, this fruit carries the chemical citrulline responsible for increasing blood flow, in general, all over the body.

This increase due to arteries widening up has a tendency to increase libido in men.  A study by MD SIraj Ul Islam, which was initiated to see if old Islamic traditions regarding watermelons were true, also concluded its positive effects on sex drive.

So dive into this juicy fruit, but take it easy, as it has alkaline inducing effects on your blood’s pH if you party too hard with it!

2. Dark Chocolate

I am sure you could let go of the sugar. Milk chocolates and sweets that have chocolate in them, taste great but do you no good. Dark chocolate, on the other hand, is an acquired taste. Cocoa is not supposed to be sweet.

But once you appreciate its flavor, you are in for some blessings to be bestowed on you. Owing to its super powers of reducing stress and releasing dopamine, it serves as a great aphrodisiac – a rather quick feel-good food that will boost libido.

3. Oysters

For years it has been passed down as conventional wisdom in Europe – eat oysters to overcome any sexual ailment.

Legend has it, that even the great Casanova used to eat loads of them in a single sitting for breakfast – as a prelude to his romantic excursions that were to follow.

Well, modern science, at least one major episode of it, has confirmed its procreational benefits. It was announced at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in March 2005, that its scientists had found a direct link that would have made Casanova smile.

4. Broccoli 

Ah yes. An aversion to “eat your greens” since childhood? Let it go! Now! While there are many foods that address the libido issue by having flavonoids in them, there is no need to go through the whole list when you can mention their emperor: broccoli.

Broccoli is a very powerful food for men to eat because it contains a compound called 3,3′- Diindolylmethane or DIM that helps to lower estrogen in the body.

A research as old as 1999 found that among a cohort of foods rich in flavonoids, broccoli showed the highest beneficial impact on the cardiovascular system – cementing its place as a ‘go-to food’ when it comes to dealing with better blood flow.

5. Bananas

Maybe the list was slowly declining in its taste appeal – so here is the final one to liven up the group. Bananas taste good and they can be used in a million different ways.

This research by Dr Luv Kush (maybe he was destined to study aphrodisiacs, first name “Luv”, and his last name means HAPPINESS in Urdu), mentions how bananas enhance the functioning of pleasure chemicals in the body, and goes on to name a number of other dietary choices you can make to spice up your love life.

6. Pomegranate 

This guy seems to be filled with jewels. Its beauty has captivated people for centuries, and now we have good reason to consider it for our bedroom life. Antioxidants are the hero chemicals in this fruit.

Antioxidants repair damage to arteries, and in turn, increase blood flow. This study done in the Annual Review Of Food and Technology in 2010, scientifically backed the claims of pomegranate increasing libido in both men and women.

7. Maca

Probably the most studied food out there in terms of its effects on sex drive of both men and women.

Maca root comes in a number of varieties and has overall health benefits far beyond increasing libido.

This page has a wonderful summary of all its benefits and lists major studies that arrived at these results.

To improve your sexual energy you can check out this $19.95 Value Free Morning Wood Ebook. 

Always Pay Attention To The Big Picture

This list of natural viagra foods for men is not by any means exhaustive – but is intended to set the tone for your future choices and give a general idea of how many options are out there, based on a summary of how these foods work to get the desired effects.

Now that you are armed with this information, and a solid list of natural alternatives to start with, here’s to you on your journey to enjoying the natural pleasures of sex!

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