All About Us

Hello, Sean here

Welcome to Naturally Boost Testosterone.

Naturally Boost Testosterone was founded on the principles of optimising the natural production and balance of testosterone. Men across the world experience a decline in the very hormone that defines them physiologically and psychologically.

A decline in testosterone production can be brought on by many factors including aging, health complications, congenital defect, lifestyle habits and environmental influence.

With the high demands of modern life and the introduction of new levels of stress to our daily routine, our natural hormone balances have taken a serious knock.

This couldn’t be more true for men.

Stress caused by socioeconomic pressure induces a cortisol dominance (stress hormone) and dopamine disruption that leads to burnout and a decline in testosterone.

The commercial processed food we turn to for nourishment is often laden with unhealthy compounds and deficient in essential ones. This deficiency often includes the very components necessary to produce healthy testosterone in your body.

Because of this, the aim of Naturally Boost Testosterone is to address these issues and alleviate the decline in male testosterone production.

We aim to help improve the symptoms of testosterone decline such as erectile dysfunction, physical vigour and mental health. We have published a series of books and articles aimed at helping men navigate the often overlooked topic of male health.

Fundamental areas such as nutrition, physical activity, and mental health are all touched on. They all relate to optimising testosterone production.

We aim to serve men with the best possible content on ways to increase testosterone naturally, without resorting to TRT and pharmaceuticals or anabolic steroids.

Millions of men suffer not only through circumstance, but through the simple lack of access to the type of information and insight we provide.

We want you to achieve a good understanding of not only how to naturally boost testosterone, but also why. Testosterone positively benefits health, but also has implications towards your academic performance, social and family life, as well as making you the best man you can be.

Meet The Team


Issues and Areas we Address:

  • Alleviating testosterone decline due to aging.
  • Solving testosterone related male health issues such as libido, spermatogenesis, erectile dysfunction, and physical performance.
  • Dietary tips and advice on what foods and eating habits increase testosterone production.
  • Objective analysis and reviews on products and services aimed at optimizing testosterone production.
  • Easy to understand insight on the science, chemistry and biology oftestosterone.
  • Advice on how to avoid estrogen dominance in men.
  • Providing workout programs and protocols geared towards maximising testosterone production.
  • Advice and recommendations on supplements, herbs and extracts.

“We believe that no man should ever have to suffer from low testosterone levels, and that peak performance is within everybody’s grasp.” 

Our Editorial Guidelines

We operate by a strict ethical code. Our information and resources aim to present information without bias and with full regard of all good practice information standards.

Naturally Boost Testosterone is all about facts! We take great care in publishing evidence based, accurate information for our readers. With a wealth of research and practical experience in our midst as well as a editorial process, we ensure that only the most relevant and facts backed data is made available.

Using studies and scientific journals, accepted science and our reputable academic backgrounds

Having said that, Naturally Boost Testosterone in no way presents itself as an official healthcare portal. We do not offer diagnosis or treatment of health conditions, even those associated with the subjects we touch on.

We urge all our readers to seek advice from a medical practitioner before attempting any new exercise program or dietary change we may provide. We believe that any medical advice should be obtained via face to face consultation with a qualified, practicing provider.

No online source can replace real world diagnosis or treatment advice.

You are our #1 priority. That’s why we want to share with you our editorial guidelines so you understand that we aim to supply only quality information. So rest assure in using our data, advice and tools. Naturally boosting testosterone is a valuable lifestyle choice.

Key Principles:

  • All our readers are entitled to accurate and fair information.
  • Content must be honest, accurate and research-backed.
  • Reviews should be factual, objective and based on the real attributes of the product.
  • News and information should be relevant and up to date, keeping up with the latest trends, research and findings.

From our humble beginnings, we have grown into an platform dedicated to delivering mindful insight for health and wellness in men. What started off as a simple hobby many years ago is now a large online resource backed and supported by readers like you.

Our network of information links you to a world of good advice and research that expands beyond our core objective of naturally boosting testosterone.

Like the advice and information we provide, our aim is to evolve and not to mutate. We hope to help our readers achieve a state of peak performance and well being. We urge you to pick up a copy of one of our books, available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle media format.

We invite you to take a trip and browse through our site. We believe you’ll find something of interest. As we continually learn, research and unearth new science, so too will your knowledge and its application in your life, grow.

If you want to contact me regarding support or any other questions just write to [email protected] 

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