Category Archives for What’s New

Maca Root Benefits for Men: 6 Reasons All Men Should Take Maca

maca root benefits for men

Today I want to talk about a newly popular Plant that is grown in Peru.

You might not have heard a lot about it, but it’s now becoming a very popular herb and food.

We’re talking about the health benefits of consuming Maca Root.

The main reason for the wide usage of Maca Root is because it enhances male libido and sexual performance.

There are many other benefits of using this root but here we’ll discuss the benefits for males only. So let us jump right into it.

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Side Effects of Testosterone Injections

Side Effects of Testosterone side effects of testosterone injections

People like to find the easy and quick way out of everything. Everyone wants more done with little effort. That’s why the bodybuilders started using testosterone injections.

These injections may do wonders for you. But is this method safe? Are there any side effects of testosterone injections?

Well, no drug comes without a side effect. Same is true for testosterone injections too.

This article will dig deep into the potential side effects of testosterone injections and some benefits too. So let’s get to it.

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Ashwagandha for Sleep: Improve The Quality of Your Sleep at Night

Ashwagandha For Sleep
Ashwagandha For Sleep

Today I wanted to do an article about Ashwagandha for sleep because this herb has been used for thousands of years as a way to relieve stress and promote quality sleep.

We are living in stressful times. There are constant distractions which cause stress.

Tight deadlines at work, awkward working shifts, long working hours and relationship problems!

Where is the peace of mind in all that? What all this affects the most are your sleeping patterns and sleeping habits.

Does that sound familiar? If the answer is yes then you’re not alone. In fact, a study from the Center for Disease Control states that between 50 and 70 million US adults suffer from sleep issues.

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Natural Aromatase Inhibitors That Block The Production of Estrogen

Natural Aromatase Inhibitors

In today’s post, I am going to discuss 6 natural aromatase inhibitors that have been proven to block aromatase in the human body.

One of the most dangerous enemies to men when it comes to boosting testosterone is the Aromatase enzyme.

This destructive enzymes main role is to convert precious testosterone into the female hormone estrogen.

It goes without saying that men who want to keep their testosterone at high levels need to take measures to keep this enzyme as low as possible because this will ensure that you are protecting your testosterone and not allowing it to be converted into estrogen.

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Sprinting and Testosterone: Can Sprinting Increase T Levels?

Sprinting and Testosteronesprinting and testosterone

Do you want to know a natural yet simple workout that can boost your testosterone levels like nothing else can?

Well, that one workout is “Sprinting”.

As you know testosterone is a naturally present hormone in the human body.

It is the principal anabolic and sex hormone and is responsible for sexual desirability and functioning, denseness of bones, muscles strength and motivation

Low testosterone levels are quite dangerous and can lead to a difficulty in retaining muscle mass, which gives you less power and can also lower your metabolism.

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Testosterone and Anxiety: Is Low Testosterone Causing Your Anxiety?

Did you know that low testosterone and anxiety go hand in hand? One of the most tragic and harmful symptoms of low testosterone is anxiety.

After making the decision to dedicate all my energy to optimizing my testosterone levels I observed some interesting things in the process.

One of the most rewarding benefits I observed was that as my testosterone increased I experienced a strong sense of calmness and control in daily life.

This was a surprising side effect because by nature I have always been a reserved quiet person.

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Foods That Lower Inflammation: A List of The 10 Best Foods

10 Foods That Lower Inflammation Foods That Lower Inflammation

Is your body running low on testosterone and you have no clue why?

Well, there can be many reasons for low testosterone but inflammation is among the foremost.

This article will tell you how inflammation is related to low testosterone and how an anti-inflammatory diet can help you improve testosterone levels.

Some foods that lower inflammation will also be mentioned in this article.

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Benefits of L-Arginine For Men: 5 Important Health Benefits

Benefits of L-Arginine for Men
Benefits of L-Arginine for Men

Proteins make the basis of life and your body – we all know that.

But what makes proteins? Well it’s amino acids. Amino acids act as building blocks for proteins.

Did you know L-arginine is an amino acid critical for the synthesis of proteins and it has a wide range of health benefits?

If not then you need to read this article as it will walk you through the health benefits of L-arginine, especially in men. So let’s get to it.

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Zinc Benefits for Men: Sex Mineral of The Endocrine System

Zinc Benefits for Menzinc benefits for men

Zinc plays a critical role in men’s health and wellness. It helps the body to produce over 300 enzymes and plays a role in many important processes in the body, including cell repair, the production of DNA, supporting restful sleep, supporting the immune system, a healthy reproductive system, and for supporting good night vision.

Zinc promotes a healthy immune system because it increases the amount of the body’s white blood cells that help to fight infections such as colds and the flu. Zinc also increases the amount of T-cells in the body that are also important for fighting infections.

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Pumpkin Seeds Benefits for Men: Top 5 Health and Libido Benefits

Pumpkin Seeds Benefits

Do you know about the numerous Pumpkin seeds benefits for men? Pumpkins seeds otherwise known as “pepitas,” contain many nutrients that are important for male pumpkin seeds benefits for menhealth and virility, such as vitamins E, C, D, K, and B, which can help provide the nutrition men need for optimal health.

Pumpkin seeds also have lots of calcium, potassium, copper, niacin, phosphorous, manganese, iron, and zinc, as well as some omega-3 fatty acids.

Just one cup (64 g) of pumpkin seeds contains: 44% of the recommended daily value (DV) of zinc, 22% DV of zinc, 22% DV copper, 42% DV magnesium, 16% DV manganese, 17% DV potassium, and 17% of the DV for iron.

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