Category Archives for What’s New

Testosterone Boosters Pros and Cons

testosterone boosters pros and cons

The Positives and Negatives of Testosterone Boosters

If you are looking to find out what the pros and cons of testosterone boosters are, then you’re in the right place.

If you’ve ever considered buying testosterone boosting supplements, you’ve probably found that it’s not as easy as it sounds.​​

Weeding out the bad ones can take a lot of time, so until you decide on a brand there are some things you should know about testosterone boosters and how they affect your body.

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Garlic and Erectile Dysfunction: Can it Help Erection Strength?

Garlic and Erectile Dysfunction
garlic and erectile dysfunction

This article is going to be exploring the link between garlic and erectile dysfunction and looking at how garlic can benefit men’s health.

Garlic, which is sometimes referred to as allium sativum, has been a natural remedy for centuries and does far more than just to add an extra bite or spice to the foods you consume.

Science has found many benefits of garlic, including those that help the heart and immune system.

And some studies are now showing how this wonderful plant can improve erectile dysfunction by improving blood flow, increasing testosterone levels, and lowering blood pressure.

More studies need to be conducted to show the effects on erection strength, but early studies, indeed, look promising.

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Fish Oil and Testosterone: Can Omega 3 Increase Testosterone?

Fish Oil and Testosterone
fish oil and testosterone

This post is going to investigate the link between fish oil and testosterone levels and discuss a few different ways that fish oil can influence hormone levels.

Natural supplementation is a great and safe way to increase testosterone levels, but it definitely needs time and consistency in order to be effective.

A great example is fish oil.

You might be surprised to see fish oil in the same basket with testosterone, as it’s a dietary supplement most commonly prescribed to people with cardiovascular diseases and pregnant women.

But, fish oil is such an invigorating supplement, that its benefits go way beyond just that.

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Horny Goat Weed and Testosterone: An Aphrodisiac and T-Booster?

Horny Goat Weed and Testosterone

When searching online for a good natural testosterone booster, the name Horny Goat Weed tends to pop up quite a lot.

But whether it’s because of its unusual name, or the lack of content about it, people often don’t give this ancient Chinese herb enough attention.

This flowering plant has been a remedy for erectile dysfunction and used as an aphrodisiac for many centuries in Asia.

In the last decade or so, there has been a lot of studies done on this subject, all of which have found some connection to an increase in testosterone and nitric oxide production.

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Best Natural Supplements to Increase DHT Naturally

Best 5 Supplements to Increase DHT Levels Naturally
best natural supplements to increase dht

The internet is a gold mine when it comes to knowledge about male hormones.

And in your search for the best ways to boost testosterone, you’ve probably gone through hundreds of pages and found many efficient and natural ways to do that.

However, in the search for the best way to increase testosterone levels, men often overlook another important hormone – DHT.

DHT stands for dihydrotestosterone, and it’s an androgen sex steroid that’s synthesized in the male body. An enzyme called 5α-reductase catalyzes the production of DHT when it comes into contact with testosterone.

This reaction can happen in various parts of the body – brain, hair follicles, liver, skin, seminal vesicles or the prostate gland.

This enzyme reduces the double bond of testosterone molecules, making it a more potent androgen hormone.

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5 Surprising Benefits of High Testosterone: Signs and Symptoms

Although it’s not talked about that much, the fact is that testosterone levels in men have been dropping steadily.

There are many causes to this very modern problem, and they range anywhere from a stressful work environment, bad diet, fatherhood, and marriage all the way to genetics and hypogonadism.

And while having low testosterone levels isn’t a serious medical issue, it does affect your life in ways you’re probably not even aware of.

You’re probably familiar with all the things testosterone increases in your body – your bone density, your libido, your ability to burn fat and increase muscle mass, etc.

But apart from these benefits, testosterone can affect both your mental and physical health in ways that a lot of men don’t even realize.

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Vitamin B and Testosterone: A Natural Way To Increase T Levels

Vitamin B and Testosterone
vitamin b and testosterone

Ever since the dawn of time, men have always been looking for new and improved ways to increase their testosterone levels.

And no matter how many different herbs or medicines they take, there’s always that urge to look for something that works faster and more efficiently.

Of all the things men reach out for when their testosterone levels decline, vitamins seem to be the last thing on anybody’s mind.

And that’s a shame because there’s more and more data every day that points to the incredible health benefits of vitamins, especially vitamin B, which extends all the way to regulating your hormone levels.

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Royal Jelly and Testosterone: Can This Superfood Increase Your T Levels

Royal Jelly and Testosterone
royal jelly and testosterone

If you’ve spent some time outside the US, especially in Eastern Europe or Asia, you might have come across Royal Jelly, which is a very common natural food and health supplement in these parts of the world.

People have known about its benefits for thousands of years, and continue to use it today as a natural cosmetic product and to promote overall health and longevity.

But what exactly is royal jelly and can it increase testosterone?

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Leptin and Testosterone: What is The Connection?

Leptin and Testosteroneleptin and testosterone

The relationship between leptin and testosterone levels is a bit complex.

So, in order to know more about this relationship, we need to know more about what leptin actually is.

Leptin is an interesting hormone which controls a number of functions in the body like the feeling of satiety, suppressing the appetite and regulating hunger.

It’s also proportional to body fat. So, the more overweight you are, the higher your leptin levels are.

The rising leptin levels slowly put off your appetite, which is actually a good thing if you want to lose some weight.

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Butea Superba and Testosterone Levels

butea superba and testosterone

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re battling with low testosterone levels.

Although low testosterone isn’t in any way a life-threatening condition, it often proves to be a psychologically devastating experience for men.

I sympathize and want you to know that it’s not the end of the world and that there are ways to fix it.

There are many natural herbs and remedies that are used to boost libido and hormones in men, and Butea Superba is an interesting herb to consider.

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