L-Tyrosine to Increase Testosterone Naturally

tyrosine to increase testosterone

In this post we are going to be looking at foods that contain tyrosine to increase testosterone naturally.

If you’re familiar with the subject of bodybuilding, you probably have heard a thing or two about amino acids.

Amino acids are the structural units (monomers) that make up proteins and work as metabolic intermediates, such as in the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitter (GABA).

In dopaminergic cells in the brain, tyrosine is converted to L-DOPA and then involved in the synthesis of the important neurotransmitter dopamine.

But what does this have to do with testosterone?

Well, as it turns out, the levels of dopamine in your body do affect your hormones, and that includes testosterone. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that gets produced as a result of reward-motivated behavior.

When dopamine gets out of the central nervous system, it no longer acts as a neurotransmitter but assumes the role of a vasodilator.

By relaxing the smooth muscles that surround the blood vessels, dopamine increases the blood flow inside your body, making you feel strong, happy and elated.

Another great side effect of strong blood flow is of course, strong and potent erections.

Starting to see the connection here?

Now that you’ve gotten familiar with how exactly this entire process works, we can go back to where we started – L-tyrosine.

Although small quantities of it can be produced in your body, L-tyrosine is a type of amino acid that should be supplied to the body.

You can always opt for L-tyrosine supplements, but the best and safest way to ensure you get enough of this dopamine boosting amino acid is to ingest it through food.

Foods That Are Natural Dopamine Agonists

L-tyrosine can be found in a number of healthy and nutritious foods, and the recommended daily intake should be around 20mg of tyrosine per kilogram of body weight.

Some of the foods that are rich in L-tyrosine are:

  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Fish
  • Yogurt
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Milk
  • Almonds
  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Lima Beans
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Peanuts
  • Cheese
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Fava Beans
  • Duck
  • Seaweed
  • Edamame Beans

But remember, increasing the amount of tyrosine in your body is just the first step. To get a significant increase in your testosterone levels, there are a few more steps you have to take in-between.

​Tyrosine, Dopamine and Testosterone

As we’ve stated before, tyrosine acts as a precursor to the production of dopamine in your brain.

But did you know that the more dopamine gets produced inside your body, the easier it gets?

So, apart from consuming tyrosine to achieve higher dopamine levels, it’s also very important to find other ways to have a bit more dopamine.

Apart from being the ‘pleasure hormone’, dopamine also plays an important role in maintaining healthy connections between your brain and your organs, which includes the penis.

So another added benefit of more dopamine is stronger and more potent erections.

There have been numerous studies done to see if dopamine supplements can treat issues such as infertility.

Almost all of the studies found significant improvements in men who received dopamine supplements.

This lead to the conclusion that dopamine initiates a domino effect in the body which ultimately ends up increasing the amount of testosterone that gets produced in the Leydig cells in the testicles.

The mechanism goes like this: dopamine blocks the release of prolactin from the pituitary gland, which causes the hypothalamus to produce more GnRH hormone.

GnHR, in turn, stimulates the pituitary gland to produce more luteinizing hormone.

The LH then gets released into the blood flow and ultimately ends up in the Leydig cells in the testicles. In these cells, LH boosts the production of testosterone.

Testosterone that gets produced inside the testicles is much more potent than the one produced in other parts of the body, thus a smaller increase in its production amounts to a significant rise in overall levels.

And even though the process of converting tyrosine to dopamine and dopamine to testosterone is pretty complex, it’s also a pretty straightforward one, too.

Increasing the amount of just one of the elements of this process ends up increasing the amount of all others.

When it comes to increasing your testosterone levels this way, there’s really no downside.

It’s already a pretty straightforward natural process that already happens inside your body on a daily basis, and none of the elements in the process can cause any complications or damage to your body.

Your tyrosine levels can be increased by eating the right foods, but what about dopamine?

Well if you want to do this all-natural, there are ways to increase your dopamine levels that don’t involve using supplements.

Dopamine is a substance that gets produced as a result of different kinds of activities that ignite the pleasure center in your brain.

And hitting your pleasure center can be done without going on a bender.

How To Increase Dopamine Naturally

Here are a few simple steps you can take that ensure your pleasure center stays active and your dopamine production also stays healthy and consistent:

  • Exercise – numerous studies have shown that daily exercise has more impact on the amount of dopamine released in your body than using high-concentration dopamine supplements
  • Sex – an orgasm is a very effective natural dopamine booster. It also has a prolonged effect on your pleasure center that’s very similar to that of drugs such as cocaine and heroin
  • Music – a 2011 study concluded that music, and even just the anticipation of listening to music, proved to be a  better dopamine booster than any supplement you can find on the market
  • Reduce Stress – High levels of cortisol are heavily correlated with low dopamine levels in the brain. One of best ways to lower stress is to regularly practice meditation and relaxation techniques.


By eating some of the foods that contain high amounts of tyrosine you will begin to increase your dopamine levels and testosterone levels. 

Another great supplement that has been proven to increase testosterone levels and dopamine levels is Mucuna Pruriens.

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