tongkat ali for females

Tongkat Ali Benefits for Females/Women

You may have heard about the fantastic herb Tongkat Ali – also known as longjack and eurycoma longifolia – and its impressive benefits for men’s health.

Fortunately, the benefits of this herb aren’t just for men! Women can experience many, if not all, of the same benefits of this fantastic herbal medicine.

Today we’re going to talk about some of the most impressive health benefits of this herb, so you can understand why you should include it in your pantry or medicine cabinet.

What is Tongkat Ali?

This herb grows mostly in the jungle in various Asian countries, such as Malaysia and Indonesia. In these areas, it has some other more exotic names, such as Pasak Bumi and Tung Saw. 

More to the point, some people just call it herbal viagra because of its incredible ability to enhance libido and treat sexual dysfunction.

Tongkat isn’t just a potent aphrodisiac, though. It’s widely regarded as an effective energy tonic and using the supplement can improve a few other areas of your health as well.

Many of the benefits of Tongkat are a result of the way that it regulates the body’s hormonal systems.

There are quite a few active compounds that are found in this wonderful plant. These include:

The quassinoid compounds, which are found in plants in the simaroubaceae family.

These compounds include eurycomanone and are among the most active compounds in the plant.

Glycosaponins and eurypeptides.

Squalene and its derivatives, namely teurilene and eurylene.

These compounds work together to provide the unique health benefits that Tongkat Ali is widely recognized for.

Here are some of the health benefits that you can expect to experience if you start using this herb.

Increased Libido

It’s not just men that need optimum testosterone levels. It’s very important for the female sex drive as well.

The main reason that longjack works as an aphrodisiac is because it has a positive influence on a person’s testosterone levels.

Many of the compounds present in the plant have been studied and scientifically proven to increase levels of testosterone in the body.

For women, this usually equates to enhanced sex drive and more sexual vigor.

Helps Weight Loss

One of the best things about Tongkat Ali is that it can help you lose weight.

It’s been studied repeatedly and shown to be very effective at helping the body make better use of its fat, which means it will burn it easier and be less likely to store it.

This effect will, of course, be amplified if you are doing regular exercise.

Your metabolism will increase, and your body will be better able to burn off fat quickly as opposed to storing it as body fat for later use.

Helps Add Muscle

Tongkat Ali is a fantastic plant for people who are hoping to manage their weight.

It’s interesting because it can be useful for people who are both looking to lose weight or people who are looking to gain weight by packing on muscle.

This makes this herb a very popular supplement for athletes and bodybuilders who want to become stronger and more efficient.

It has been studied and been shown to improve lean muscle mass.

One study done in Malaysia discovered that all 7 participants who were given Tongkat Ali experienced a notable increase in their lean body mass.

They also revealed a significant decrease to their overall levels of body fat.

Emotional Support

One of the coolest things that women (and men) can experience by using Tongkat is a greater ability to manage their emotions.

This is partially because it’s able to help regulate and reduce the amount of cortisol that the body produces.

Cortisol is sometimes referred to as the stress hormone because it is highly involved in the process of stress, both physically and emotionally.

In almost all cases, people who are highly strung have high levels of cortisol in their body.

One study that was done on 32 guys and 31 women who reported moderate stress levels proved this.

The group that was taking Tongkat were significantly less tense, confused, and angry after they began supplementing.

This suggests that the herb can be useful for long-term stress management.

Many stress medications are known for causing dependency and addiction, but Tongkat is not likely to cause these problems.

Enhances Energy

Another use for Tongkat is as an energy tonic. If you have a tough time getting your daily tasks finished, this might be an herb to consider adding to your supplement routine.

This is particularly useful for people whose energy problems are caused by a hormonal imbalance, which is often the case.

Fatigue is one of the most common problems associated with hormonal imbalances.

Since Tongkat can help to balance and regulate the body’s hormonal systems, it can also help to correct these problems.

Even for those who don’t have hormonal problems, this herb can be useful for providing the kick that you need to get through the day.

Improves Bone Health

Another useful thing about this magical herb is the way that it can help improve the health and strength of your bones.

One of the problems that low testosterone levels can cause, in both men and women, is a weakness in the bones.

This manifests often as a condition known as osteoporosis, a condition in which the bones and joints become sore and inflamed and are more likely to break or fracture.

While most people are aware of nutritional ways to combat these symptoms – such as taking calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium – not everyone is aware of herbal medicines that are able to prevent the development of conditions like osteoporosis.

Tongkat can be useful for preventing the disease because it helps to balance out testosterone levels.

This might not be great for eliminating symptoms after the condition has already arisen – other herbal supplements can be useful for that – but this will certainly help keep your bones and joints in good condition and minimize the chances of developing the condition.


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