Vitamin D and Testosterone: The Benefits For Men

Vitamin D And Testosterone
vitamin d and testosterone

In my last article, I discussed one of the most important vitamins when it comes to testosterone production, Vitamin A.

However, Vitamin A is not the only rock star vitamin when it comes to testosterone production, and that brings us to the subject of Vitamin D and testosterone.

Vitamin D, like all vitamins, is not a single compound but a category, as discussed in my previous post.

Also like Vitamin A, it is fat-soluble.

Vitamin D occurs in very few foods naturally, and its production is also stimulated when exposing our skin to sunlight.

All these forms, however, are NOT biologically active forms of Vitamin D and have to undergo a process known as hydroxylation in the liver and the kidney, to be converted into the active forms calcidiol and calcitriol.

Being an essential compound, as all vitamins are, it’s no surprise that Vitamin D plays a large role in the overall health of the body, including proper formation and maintenance of bones, immune system function, and reduction of inflammation.

One thing to remember about Vitamin D is that it’s not actually a vitamin but is, in fact, a hormone.

And this hormone has the ability to interact with 2000 genes in the body and this is why it’s important we don’t become deficient in it.

And of course, it has a role to play in testosterone production.

Vitamin D and Testosterone: What The Studies Say

To make possible all of the benefits Vitamin D has on the body, it has to influence hundreds of bodily functions and systems.

And one of those systems, is the endocrine system, giving us the foundation which sets the stage for its role in testosterone production and regulation.

Androgens And Vitamin D, The Direct Correlation

An interesting and encouraging place, to begin with, would be this study which explored a very direct relationship with the amount of a certain type of Vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D) in the blood serum, and the corresponding amount of testosterone in the blood.

The conclusive connection that the researchers arrived at, on a sample set of 2299 men, gives us a lot of confidence to say that Vitamin D has a major role to play in the sexual health of men, and in increasing testosterone levels.

Furthermore, another study which investigated free testosterone levels and their association with Vitamin D also concluded a positive correlation between the two.

Further adding, that the increase in free testosterone followed a linear model in relation to the increase in Vitamin D, up to a certain point, where it reached a plateau.

This suggests that a deficiency would seriously affect testosterone levels, but any supplementation beyond the healthy amount of Vitamin D in the serum would have no effect on testosterone levels.

Testosterone, Vitamin D, and Sunlight

As already discussed, sunlight triggers the production of Vitamin D. But does this stimulated production of Vitamin D have any effect on male sex hormones? This study aimed to explore exactly this question.

To the amazement of all the researchers involved, the effects of ultraviolet light exposure on men’s bodies had a very pronounced result on the level of testosterone production in their bodies – an increase of up to 200% was observed! Get some sun guys!

Sperm Quality and Vitamin D

It is not only testosterone that one benefits from with Vitamin D, because there are studies, like this one, which have concluded that the quality and amount of sperm in humans is directly associated with Vitamin D levels. Goodbye infertility, hello sunshine!

Older Men, Testosterone, and Vitamin D

The benefits of Vitamin D are not limited to young males.

While studying the effects of hypogonadism (reduction in hormone secretion) and deficiency of Vitamin D in the risk of hip fractures in elderly men, this research concluded that while Vitamin D deficiency was the single most important deciding factor when it came to hip fractures, they simultaneously observed that its deficiency also positively correlated with reduced testosterone in the serum.

Another study confirms this result by observing that the probability of having low T goes down as supplementation with Vitamin D increases.

Even though the research talks about probability, it is still completely in line with what we would expect from other studies, increasing our confidence in the link between Vitamin D and testosterone.

Based on this conclusive research, it is evident that Vitamin D deficiency would definitely take a major toll on your sexual health, testosterone levels, and sperm quality.

Ways to Increase Vitamin D

As you can see Vitamin D is very important for men’s health. Here are some natural ways to increase your levels of Vitamin D and avoid becoming deficient.

  • Try to increase the amount of sun exposure you get each day even if the weather is overcast, as cloud cover only halves the energy of ultraviolet rays.
  • It is also important to note that the morning sun is more beneficial for the skin than afternoon sun.
  • Fatty fish like sardines and salmon contain a good dose of Vitamin D.
  • Free-range eggs contain healthy amounts of Vitamin D.
  • Fortified dairy products.
  • Maitake mushrooms, portabella mushrooms, and almond milk are good sources of Vitamin D for vegetarians and vegans.
  • High Vitamin Butter Oil/Fermented Cod Liver Oil has high amounts of both Vitamin D and Vitamin A.

You need to know if you are already well equipped with the amount of Vitamin D that is required for a healthy male. The right amount of Vitamin D in the blood is around 50-70 ng/dl.

This amount can be achieved by supplementing with a good quality Vitamin D3 supplement and by following the tips mentioned above.

Just remember that Vitamin D is a fat-soluble compound just like Vitamin A, it is not easy to get rid of in the body and can result in Vitamin D overdose if taken to excess – the effects can range from poor appetite to actual kidney damage.


I hope this article has informed you about the link between Vitamin D and testosterone levels. Find out if you have a Vitamin D deficiency, especially if you are experiencing symptoms of low T.

In the case your Vitamin D levels are subpar, the ideal way to get a healthy dose that would directly translate into increased testosterone is to get out in the sun more.

Both supplementation, and getting more sun, along with a well-balanced diet that contains foods with Vitamin D is probably your best bet.

Happy T production guys!

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